What international city would you choose to move to?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! You can comment from anywhere in the word–even Timbuktu.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What international city would you choose to move to?
I’ve only ever traveled outside of North America once, so this is a really tough question for me. I don’t currently have, nor have I ever had, a passport. I’d certainly need to get one. Since there are—by my rough calculations—a metric shit-ton of cities on the planet, I would need a way to limit my options. Fifty sounds like a reasonable number. This unexperienced traveler might as well spin a globe on its axis and randomly stick 50 pins into it to determine possible future homes. But this method would allow me to cheat by only sticking pins near the warmth of the equator. I also don’t want a bias toward either hemisphere. I want randomness! These problems can be solved by removing the globe from the meridian keeping it at a 23.5-degree tilt, rotating it randomly in all orientations, then sticking it with those pins. Earth’s surface is about 29% land, so of those 50 pins, statistics dictates only 14 or 15 should be in landmasses. I’ll choose from those cities. Or maybe I’ll skip all that hullabaloo and just move to Liverpool. Everton season tickets await.