What movie desperately needs to alter its ending?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What movie desperately needs to alter its ending?
Ever watch a movie you felt was surprisingly good … right up until its ruinous ending? Such was my experience with Dear Santa. Judging from the poor reviews (5.4/10 IMDb; 20% Rotten Tomatoes), I’m in good company. In case you haven’t seen Dear Santa, yet still desire to after reading this critique, I won’t ruin the movie’s ending for you like the ending will ruin the movie for you. (I hope they shot an alternate ending and can re-release the film.) I’d like to focus on a humorous scene in which Jack Black’s character uses his devilish magic to force a man to defecate in his bike shorts, saying,
“Every time a grown man sharts himself, a demon earns its horns.”
This, obviously, is a play on the line from It’s a Wonderful Life. My best effort at riffing on that famous phrase occurred years ago while my wife was deep into one of her epic tree-choosing ventures. In a desperate attempt to speed her along, I dropped this bomb on her:
“Every time a tree is rejected, an angel loses its wings.”
We’re still desperately in need of bells to ring!