What did kids tease you most about growing up?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What did kids tease you most about growing up?
Let’s protect our villain’s identity—call him TT. TT teased me not about stuttering (read that aloud if you missed the joke), but for what he cleverly termed, “Licking your shoulder.” Two things you need to know: I played soccer, and I’ll sweat even as I open my garage freezer in the dead of winter. My argument for my chin-to-shoulder movement was a combo of incessantly clearing the profuse sweat from my face, along with the constant need to check over my shoulder on the soccer field. The first half of that is undoubtedly true, but the latter may be a bit more wishful thinking. In soccer, you must always be cognizant of where players are around you, however I did this far less than I should have due to poor coaching throughout my entire soccer career. Once someone points out one of your unconscious habits, good luck putting a halt to it! You attempt to consciously eliminate the quirk, yet it persists. Ultimately, TT lived rent-free in my head, causing the chin-to-shoulder action to extend even off the field of play for a period of time. Sorry I sweat, Tim!