What was the most difficult goal you’ve ever set?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Set your goal really low: write a single word.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What was the most difficult goal you’ve ever set?
My major complaint about Saw X is the fairness of the games Jigsaw forces his unwilling contestants to play. Jigsaw attempts to teach lessons, but in those lessons lie his hypocrisy. If successful at his game, he will spare their life. They’ll be missing a limb or section of brain matter, but science these days can do amazing things with artificial limbs and neural implants. Victims are given 3 minutes to complete their challenge. Imagine having only 180 seconds to fully contemplate, then execute the amputation of your leg with a Gigli saw. And I thought writing a novel was a difficult goal! The measurement process is where Jigsaw becomes a hypocrite. The woman’s leg is fully amputated within the allotted time, but it takes far too long for bone marrow to be measured after being sucked out of her severed femur. Time runs out and she dies. There’s no prior indication of how long the measurement process would take. The countdown clock should pause when measurement begins. This is where Jigsaw goes from subjectively teaching these folks a lesson, to objectively murdering them. The clock doesn’t lie, but Jigsaw does.