What is the most exciting thing you can imagine?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’m so excited to read anything you want to get off your chest!

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the most exciting thing you can imagine?
It’s illegal to BASE jump in national parks or off many platforms where daredevils would most desire to do so. Illegal or not, parachuting off these locales is still done on occasion. After all, if daredevils don’t care about the possibility of imminent death, the threat of jail time or a fine won’t deter them. Instead of working with gravity, those who want to defy the fundamental force by climbing a forbidden object must also skirt the law. Rock climbing in most national parks is permissible without a permit. But if you want to scale, say, the Empire State Building, the answer’s a definitive no! When you reach the top, or descend back down, boys in blue will be waiting to give you a ride. You could even double your legal trouble by BASE jumping once you’ve ascended to the top. I’d like to see Alex Honnold—the lunatic who scaled Yosemite National Park’s El Capitan without a rope in Free Solo—climb the Luxor Obelisk in Paris. Imagine the spectacle: Alex scales the obelisk as cyclists scream up and down the Champs-Élysées during stage 21 of the Tour de France.