What is the very “definition” of trust?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the very “definition” of trust?
“Trust” is a man standing at a urinal in a public restroom, all out there in the open while others mill about behind him—no door for protection. I’m not worried about his penis being violated by another fella’s prying eyes. I’m more concerned about serious bodily violence. There aren’t any video cameras in restrooms (at least there shouldn’t be), so what’s to prevent a dude from coming up behind a fella draining his dragon and shanking him in the kidney? The same things that stop an assailant from slamming his head (the one atop his neck) into the wall, or kicking him in the ass so he pisses all over himself as his cock slams into the porcelain: common courtesy, the rule of law, and threats of urine-based retaliation. So, I suppose, there’s quite a bit to keep urinal users safe. Thus, unless you occupy a wide stance at the urinal with a single hand high up on the wall (or, God forbid, both hands), you should feel safe in your urinary pursuits. To be extra cautious, though, maybe just go into a stall and lock the door behind you. Happy micturition!