What is your favorite fruit?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! As long as you don’t say ‘tomato.’ We don’t need to get into that whole debate.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is your favorite fruit?
My undergrad calculus professor used to say, “Kill two stones with one bird.” I think he intentionally said this incorrectly, but I can’t be sure. We never asked him, partially because we didn’t really care, but mostly because the man barely spoke English. Fortunately, numbers are pretty much universal; unfortunately, I remember little from his classes other than that unique saying. Something else I often don’t remember: flossing. This lapse could be remedied if I more consistently ate high fiber foods that indubitably get stuck in my teeth. Perhaps more mango (the perfect fruit … if someone else cuts it for you!). Not only would I get closer to that magic range of 25-30 grams of daily fiber to help prevent heart disease and colon cancer, but I’d be compelled to reach for floss to remove those fibrous mango strands from between my teeth. If that isn’t incentive enough for anyone to floss between all their pearly whites, I’d argue they don’t so much “forget” to floss as “refuse” to floss. If, however, they heed the opportunity to floss between all their tootles, they’ll be eating healthy and flossing—killing two stones with one bird.