Rx #0000015 : It’s Not All About You


Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients
Ever heard of Dick’s Last Resort? Never been to the restaurant myself, but I love the concept. It’s like the court jester in medieval times being able to tell the King the harsh truth since everything he said was in—you guessed it—jest. Why has no pharmacy taken up this business practice? If patients expect harsh but fair truth from the pharmacy team, they’ll accept it readily.
Welcome to URxProbablyRxight. The pharmacy of the future where we provide “Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients.”

It’s Not All About You

[Patient]: “I mean, I’m not against the vaccine, per se, it’s more like I’m just waiting to see, you know?”
[Rph]: “Alright.”
[Pt]: “I’m doing all the research, Roger. You know—reading all the articles, comparing all the data. I just want to make sure it’s safe.”
[Rph]: “Umm, hmm.”
[Pt]: “Again, I’m not against the vaccine. I’ll probably end up getting it. I just want to be careful, you know?”
[Rph]: “Sure.”
[Pt]: “I mean, we have people dying from the vaccine. Healthy one day. Get the vaccine. Dead the next.”
[Rph]: “Okay.”
[Pt]: “If it were you, you’d want to make sure the vaccine was safe before you took it, right?”
[Rph]: “I’m fully vaccinated, Mr. Bradley.”
[Pt]: “Well, yeah, that’s good for you. But this is my one and only body, so I have to make sure I take care of it. I don’t want to die from a vaccine that I feel’s being forced on me.”
[Rph]: “Hmm.”
[Pt]: “I know you got something to say. Go ahead. We’ve all got our opinions.”
[Rph]: “You sure you want to hear my opinion?”
[Pt]: “Yup. And don’t sugarcoat—”
[Rph]: “Getting vaccinated is not about you! It’s about protecting the whole community—hell, the whole world. Sure, some folks’ll have severe reactions and maybe a few’ll even die. But nowhere close to the number of people dying every day because they’re unvaccinated.”
[Pt]: “But what if one of those vaccine-related deaths was your wife or mother?”
[Rph]: “If you’re not getting the vaccine because you’re worried about a miniscule—almost nonexistent fraction of a percent chance of dying from the vaccine, you’re just being selfish. Realize the FDA doesn’t care about any individual person. It’s all about statistics. They’re worried about the big picture—like, what, 8-billion-people big picture. And rightfully so. A few deaths to save potentially millions of lives, to protect billions of people—that’s a hell of a good tradeoff!”
[Pt]: “Yeah, but if it was your wife?!”
[Rph]: “We all gotta die of something.”
[Pt]: “Well . . . I’d rather it not be today from a vaccine.”
[Rph]: . . .

. . . [As a pharmacist at URxProbablyRxight, what else do you have to say to Mr. Bradley about the safety of the COVID vaccines?]