Q&complAints #529 : Auction

What would you sell at an auction and for what minimum price?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Best comment gets auctioned off for–I’m guessing–minimum 500 bucks.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What would you sell at an auction and for what minimum price?

Did you realize a genie will grant you unlimited wishes!  When you tire of getting anything your little heart desires and wish your genie good riddance, then you get those final three wishes. A last hurrah.  It’s annoying how wasteful the last trio of wishes are in the movie, Genie, but not nearly as annoying as the abomination that four post-riddance wishes were granted. Telling a genie “I wish you would just go,” clearly fits all the qualifications for an official first wish. The movie’s most expensive wish involves swapping a framed Lionel Messi jersey for the Mona Lisa. That masterpiece is essentially unsellable; thus, an argument can be made that it’s worthless. Those semantics dictate the Messi jersey is infinitely more valuable. In December 2023, six of Messi’s seven game-worn jerseys from the 2022 World Cup were sold at auction for $7.8 million.  Possession of the elusive seventh jersey would make for a pretty good wish—it’s estimated to be worth more than the other six combined. Nowhere near the perceived value of the Mona Lisa, but at least you can sell it for $10 million minimum.  

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