Q&complAints #070 : Kids Can Get Away With

What’s easier to get away with as a kid than as an adult?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What’s easier to get away with as a kid than as an adult?

My wife and I recently finished watching the HBO miniseries, Mare of Easttown.


The engaging seven episodes taught me about eastern Pennsylvania’s beer hierarchy: Rolling Rock is for everyday guzzling; Yuengling is consumed at classy get-togethers, like weddings or wakes. But that’s not the spoiler portion. The answer to today’s question is. Murder! It seems a whole lot of people will try to protect a 13-year-old from punishment for a ghastly crime. Even when a pimply-faced teen admits guilt to his Mom’s lifelong best friend—who also happens to be the only cop in the town not issued her own police uniform—he gets some pretty cushy digs in juvie. (No word on conjugals, but I’d have to guess that’s a big NO.) Even though a homicidal child won’t get off scot-free, they’re still likely to be freed soon enough to make something of their life. Or it could lead to the recidivistic homicide of another teenage girl the month following parole. Then we’d have direct comparisons for how much tougher it is to get away with murder as an adult than as a kid.