What is the best thing about getting old?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Do it quick though, we’re not getting any younger.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the best thing about getting old?
I grew a long goatee to look more like Alexi Lalas during my junior high school year (much to my father’s chagrin). You see, Lalas and I both played the same soccer position: central defense. Our chin hairs were similar in color, becoming a deeper red the longer they grew. When I look at old photos of that facial hair (Alexi’s or mine), I realize my father was objectively correct: we both looked like idiots! Now, every time I see Lalas’ cleanly shaven face while he spews his punditry, I think back to his influence on my physical appearance a quarter-century ago. I’ve long since replaced my long, juvenile goatee with a full, respectable length beard. Alexi is now an opinionated blowhard who wants nothing more than to take the minority position in any soccer argument. When I hear him begin his ranting opinions, I realize how his adversarial opinions fall in line with my contrarian complaints. That is the basis for my entire website, after all! The ability to correct errors of previous years is the best thing about aging. All the while, making new errors to address in future decades.