What do you hope you’ll never need?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I don’t need to hear your thoughts . . . I’d just really like to.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What do you hope you’ll never need?
There’s this commercial making the rounds for RINVOQ. I’d never paid enough attention to actually find out what the medication treated. It’s one of those specialty meds that a community pharmacist never sees. Anyway, at one point they were going through their whole spiel about what it treats, side effects, etc. All of a sudden, I hear the voiceover enunciate the phrase “taint pain.” This immediately pulled my full attention to the television to determine if the med treats taint pain, causes taint pain, or if they’re just paying good money to see if anyone’s actually paying attention to their commercials. I asked my wife if she heard what I heard. She hadn’t. Once I found the remote to rewind the commercial—then rewound another couple times to fight through the confirmation bias—we realized she’d said “tame pain.” Apparently, RINVOQ is for helping to “tame the pain” of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Who knew!? Either way, Phoebe and I had a good long laugh about what we thought for a moment was a medication for a very specific indication. Here’s hoping I never need meds for either RA, or taint pain!