What would have been a more productive way to spend yesterday?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! You can’t go back in time, but you sure can complain about it now!

. . .here are my thoughts.
What would have been a more productive way to spend yesterday?
My wife wanted me to watch Hamilton on Disney+ with her, but I declined. She wanted to watch the Broadway production in preparation for watching the play live at a local theater the following day. That’s like your mom forcing you to finish your homework before she’ll let you go to the movies. Except in this case, the movie is both the homework and the desired entertainment. Anyway, she watched Hamilton while I did something else. The next day, while she was enjoying her evening at the theater, I had some free time. I decided to watch The 355 because its Blu-ray case insert that I got from the library said:
I figured it had to be decent since it came from those fine folks. I, um … I was incorrect! My wife enjoyed one of the best musicals of all time, while I suffered through a film Matt Damon must be embarrassed to have his character’s name associated with. At least The 355 only cost me 123 minutes, not [I’m estimating here] $123.00. Still, I’d rather have seen Hamilton yesterday.