What word do you consistently misspell?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! No need to stress, though, the COMMENT section has spell check.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What word do you consistently misspell?
We all have that word we can never spell correctly. The one you finally gave up ever writing, and now know 10 synonyms for. If you’re typing, you don’t really have to worry because of the ubiquity of spell check. Anything close and it’ll take care of you. When handwriting in my journal, I write (sp?) as shorthand meaning, “I know that ain’t right, but I don’t have the gumption to look it up.” The same words written again and again—always followed by (sp?)—thus ingrained into my noggin with improper spellings. When typing those words, they’re either automatically corrected, or I’ll just right click that squiggly red underline and thoughtlessly accept the recommendation. Never do I bother to truly learn the proper spellings. I was recently on a kick of using annihilate. I was so far astray each time I typed it that the correct word wasn’t even recommended. I had tried starting it with an “I.” Even attempted to toss a “Y” somewhere in the middle. Not once did I get that elusive “H” in there! Ultimately, I resorted to using voice-to-text so Google could annihilate all of my improper spellings.