What could you do to earn $1 right now?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Either way, you’re not getting paid.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What could you do to earn $1 right now?
Ever wonder how strip clubs work in Canada? No $1 bills! They have those $1 coins colloquially known as Loonies. How you gonna put a coin in the strap of a young lady’s thong? You’d need some sort of vertical slot to insert the Loonie into—or $2 Toonie, if you’re feeling generous— but you’re not going to find such an opening on a nude . . . oooooooooh. Yeah, that’s not hygienic! I don’t have the 6-pack abs of my youthful soccer-playing days, but I think I could still get at least one pity dollar stuck in the waistband of my skivvies if I danced around on a busy street corner. Easier still—and far less traumatizing to all parties involved—I could ask you to click on any of the advertisements you see on my website. I’m not privy to the algorithms used in determining how much each click is worth, but they all earn me a tiny taste. Doesn’t matter if the advertiser truly interests you or not—they’ll all pay. If you and a couple friends each click a link, I’m sure I can earn a Loonie.