What website do you frequently visit for a good laugh?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! After all, everyone knows you can’t write anything funny!
. . .here are my thoughts.
What website do you frequently visit for a good laugh?
Five days per week, I visit the website www.benefits.ml.com. In truth, I use an app that allows me to sign in on my Google Pixel 4a using my fingerprint, because who wants to enter a user name and password every time?! The app shows the value of my 401(k). Regardless of whether the seemingly fictional number goes up or down from the previous day, I always have a good laugh about the very concept of investing. Invest early, invest often, and trust compounding to ease you into retirement. At which time those decades’ long numbers on a screen can be converted into goods, experiences, and overall peace of mind. I won’t give you my username and password, so you won’t be able to share in those laughs. Instead, visit the very little known website (unfortunately, that’s not me just being modest): www.UrProbablyRight.com. You know it already. Just as 401(k) values update 5 days a week, so do my posts. But that doesn’t mean you can’t visit every day. And while my posts might not always be funny—or ever be funny, for that matter—I’ll accept the occasional pity chuckle.