What job could not be considered a “career choice”?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What job could not be considered a “career choice”?
Ever met someone who says their DOB as “Christmas 1952”? That’s quite presumptive. Sure, most everyone on planet Earth knows they mean December 25, but not everyone. It’d be completely different if they were born on the 4th of July, 1981. That’s basically the only holiday you can get away with that without seeming like a bit of a dick. If you were born exactly a decade after the attack on Pearl Harbor, just say December 7, 1951. Pearl Harbor Day isn’t as universally known as X-Mas. Tell me you were born on Memorial Day or President’s Day and I couldn’t even tell you what month that was, yet alone the exact day. I can’t keep minor holidays straight. Then there’s Easter. (Happy Easter to those reading this the day it’s posted!) I’d fancy a guess that less people know how to calculate which Sunday Easter falls on in a given year, than there are physicists that understand Quantum Mechanics. I suppose both are jobs, but only one can be considered a career choice. Tell someone your DOB is Easter 1982, and you deserve the ass whopping you got coming.