What do you not eat enough of?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But come on, posting a comment can’t be any more taxing than eating all those vegetables your doctor insists upon.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What do you not eat enough of?
I love bananas. My wife and I eat bananas regularly, but never really get to eat enough of them because of our dogs. Frankie and Baron also love bananas, so we must give them each a slice or two every time we consume one. They’ll hear a banana rip from the bunch, and rush to the kitchen. We’ve begun employing fake coughs and sneezes as we dislocate a finger (the name given to each banana) from its hand (a group of 5-ish bananas). Because of this, anytime I hear an obnoxiously loud cough or sneeze, my Pavlovian response is to salivate for 80% of a nanner. I imagine if a physician told me to turn my head and cough, I’d also fancy a banana. That situation could get really weird, really quick! You can stop wondering why I haven’t been to a doctor in more than a decade! I believe the solution is simple (for the dog problem, not the doctor issue): we need to rip each finger from its hand before bringing them into the house. Then, simply open the phalange slowly from its distal extreme to prevent that loud snapping sound.