What is the craziest business idea you’ve come up with?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! It’s cool if you keep your plans to yourself; it’s none of my business.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the craziest business idea you’ve come up with?
Reports during the heart of the pandemic stated certain beverages could cause a false positive result on some at-home COVID tests. All those unscrupulous businessfolk missed out on a goldmine. COVID Coffee Co. could have been the breakout coffee company of the year. Nay, the biggest new company of the year—decade even—regardless of categorization. Imagine this ad copy:
Want time off work—maybe even with pay? You’ll also need a whole lot of caffeine to keep you going for whatever your plans include during your newly found time off. Look no further than our new COVID Coffee Co.! Our high caffeine, high false positive rate, low pathogenic java is your ticket to Netflix and chill. Simply pour one out [onto our patent pending COVID tests] for those who died, and reap all the COVID benefits without any of the COVID maladies. [COVID Coffee Co. branded COVID tests sold separately.]
Finish with one of these perfect taglines and COVID Coffee Co. coffee sells itself.
- There’s No Negative to a False Positive.
- Even Your Boss Is Doing It.
- Out of PTO Days? Have Some CCC Days.
- Yeah, We’re on DoorDash.