What would you do if nobody was watching?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Don’t worry, it’ll just be me reading it.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What would you do if nobody was watching?
I’d eat a banana in a manner that’d certainly get me kicked out of a 5-year-old’s birthday party. Probably with a bloody nose, swollen eye, and criminal record. That sounds far worse than I intend—allow me to clarify. After you peel a banana . . . hold up a minute. First, can we agree that the banana should be peeled from that little nub on the “bottom”? It’s the method monkeys use. They’re the experts. It demands less effort to open from the nub, and then you’re left with a handle. After peeling my banana from the nub, I bite off a half inch to share with my dogs. Now it gets interesting. In my opinion, the outside of a naked banana tastes markedly different from its center. When nobody’s there to watch me, I use my teeth to scrape the less flavorful outer layer off the first 4 inches of my nanner with . . . you know . . . that motion. You swallow and, yeah, it tastes fine. It’s nothing compared to the sweeter center, though. Trust me! Give it a try . . . when nobody’s watching.