What meal never satisfies?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But getting that thought off your mind will be so satisfying.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What meal never satisfies?
Rest assured, this post will make no reference to any sexual content other than this here mention alerting you to the nonexistence of such a reference which, by this very mention, I have brought into existence. Even though—I mean, come on—this question is crying out for just such an answer. Since my wife would get quite upset at such a lowbrow reference, it’s best to just play it safe. Instead, I will talk about two meals she makes that never seem to satisfy me. Please don’t misinterpret; I love both meals. But they leave me wanting more sustenance no matter how much I stuff down my gullet. The first is a wonton and rice dish. She even started making a double batch and I still find myself searching for a snack 15 minutes later. The second meal is grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. She makes them with Cheddar Garlic bread from Great Harvest Bread Co. To be candid, I could forego the cheese and soup and just eat that whole loaf of bread. I’d still be left wanting more because the bread’s that damn good! Lends truth to the saying: “Better than sex.”