What one food item do you wish was healthy?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’d love for you to give me some food for thought, though.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What one food item do you wish was healthy?
Anyone have a word or phrase they always repeat in response to hearing another phrase? Wouldn’t matter if you’re meeting with the President of your company or your country, if they say the magic word, you’re obliged by every molecule of your being to spout your refrain. Every time Penn Jillette hears “Harvard,” he responds with “Cock.” Why? No idea! Penn does Penn. You do you. I’ll do me. There’s a song by Alabama, called Song of the South. It includes the lyrics:
“Song, song of the south. Sweet potato pie and I shut my mouth.”
I was a country music fan as a teen, so this song got ingrained in my noggin. Now, every time I hear someone say “Sweet Potato,” I’m forced to respond with “Shut your mouth.” I took a bit of liberty changing my to your, but like I said, I’ll do me. There’s often some explanation needed, as well. Like when I tell the waiter to shut his mouth after asking my wife if she’s sure she’d like sweet potato fries with her veggie burger. I mean, of course she wants sweet potato fries—they’re delicious!