Q&complAints #535 : Return Vacation

Where would you not go back to for vacation?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

Where would you not go back to for vacation?

There are lots of movies with MacGuffins: pursued objects, events, or characters that drive the story forward with implied importance.  It’s a reasonable plot device; only Tarantino would have wanted his 2.5-hour Pulp Fiction extended to 3.5 hours just to prove the briefcase’s importance.  We were okay with just being told The One Ring was imperative so we could progress onto adventures through Middle-earth.  Some movies are bookended with a deus ex machina: a seemingly unsolvable problem abruptly resolved by an unexpected occurrence.  For example, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts introduces an access code miraculously halting Earth’s inevitable destruction.  Some might label this combination of plot devices, “lazy writing.”  Writers of action/sci-fi franchises call it a “meal ticket.”  Lazy writing is the least of my concerns with the 7th Transformers film—the 2nd film, chronologically.  Its writers blatantly pilfer Marvel’s concept of Iron Man.  Then again, Hasbro produces Transformers, and Disney owns both Hasbro and Marvel.  So, I guess it’s fine.  Someday Disney will own everything even tangentially media related.  Hopefully my website qualifies!  I won’t return to any Disney theme park until I get some of that lucrative Mouse money. 

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