If you were a prescription drug, what would be your main side effect?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Diarrhea of the mouth, anybody?
. . .here are my thoughts.
If you were a prescription drug, what would be your main side effect?
Seriously, how many times have you heard the fast-talking narrator of a drug commercial list only a single side effect? Any drug worth comparing my prescription insurance against the GoodRx price better list at least—I don’t know—10, maybe 15 side effects. How can I be forced to choose only one? But if I must . . . hirsutism it is! Ahh, yes, the excessive growth of coarse body hair. Frankly, this is somewhat of a wackadoodle question, so I can say whatever the hell I want. (Not that I don’t with every other question, as well.) I figure, though, with my hatred of body hair, I could just stop taking the med and maybe—God willing—never have to shave again. And—sorry, but I was a bit vague earlier—the hirsutism only affects ass hair! Mounds and mounds of ass hair. Clumps so dense that sheep the world over fear being relegated solely to meat production. Patients will be forced to weigh the risk of developing the newly coined side effect of “sheep ass,” against the advantageous benefits of the first-to-market “Empathy Antagonist”: Givnoshit®.