How often should adult children call their parents?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But your mother would want you to.

. . .here are my thoughts.
How often should adult children call their parents?
Have you ever wondered about the benefits of being an only child? I have one older sibling, so yeah, I have. No hand-me-down clothes. No preconceived notions about you from the English teacher who asks a question in the form of a statement with upward inflection: “You’re Jim’s brother?” And, of course, no feeling of guilt when you’re 40 years old and your mother secretly (but not too secretly), thinks you should call her more often. And where do you suppose she acquired that frame of reference. You guessed it—from Jim. Her first-born is much more the talker than her baby-boy. I mean, come on, a phone call nearly every day of the week?! I go full days without even talking to my wife—that is, if you exclude the ventriloquist comments our dogs communicate via their human dummies. Every damn day?! The way I see it, my weekly biweekly whenever-the-mood-strikes phone calls dilute big brother’s daily calls to a respectable average. So what’s the optimal time frame between calls? Hell if I know, but this post alone should build me up at least, what, a month’s worth of goodwill?
Thanks to Debra Heffron for suggesting this question on the Comments & Suggestions page. If you, too, have a question you want answered by the likes of me, click on the link.