What conversation topic do you try to avoid?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Wait . . . are you avoiding conversations with me?

. . .here are my thoughts.
What conversation topic do you try to avoid?
All of them! You need me to be more specific? The long-standing idea is there are 3 things you don’t talk about in polite company: politics, religion, or money. I’ve also heard sex thrown in as the 4th taboo. What the hell else are you going to talk about?! The weather can only take you so far before merging into a debate surrounding the politics and economics of God’s role in climate change. It may be odd to talk about sex with family, but if a young lady at Thanksgiving is eating for two, sex is kinda already on the table. How will you know which uncle to butter up if you don’t discuss finances? If you haven’t delved into political conversations the last few years, let’s be honest, it’s because you haven’t left the house. And when’s the last time you successfully changed a family member’s mind about religion? Thus, I repeat, avoid ALL conversations—at least of the spoken variety. The beauty of email or text is having extra time to formulate the perfect delivery of your next argument or snappy retort. Or, better yet, to not respond at all!