What would you choose to declare illegal?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’m not gonna sue you, whether you do or not.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What would you choose to declare illegal?
Perhaps I just don’t understand! Maybe I have so few friends and family that I’ve never learned proper protocol. I can’t argue with that. I can understand the concept of needing to send the same message to numerous folks in one fell swoop—thus, the group text. But if a response to that initial text isn’t needed by everyone in the group, shouldn’t it be sent to only the intended recipient? Do I really need a text confirmation from 15 neighbors saying whether they’ll be attending the soirée, what protein they prefer, and their allergy list? I do not! Perhaps if asked to include what side dish or dessert we’ll be bringing—as to avoid duplications—I could understand responding to the whole group. Otherwise, just respond to the initial sender. Am I wrong here? You may think this isn’t such a big deal—just turn off notifications so you don’t get an audible indication with each incoming text. I only sussed that process out a few months ago. But still, I don’t want to open my texts to see I have 27 unread. It’s time to declare inappropriate group text responses illegal!