Q&complAints #583: Common Ailment

What is your most common ailment?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But don’t type too much or you’ll get typist’s thumb–that is a thing, right?
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is your most common ailment?

Let’s talk first world problems.  I occasionally suffer from low back pain.  I’m not talking about some chronic musculoskeletal low back agony that eventually leads to an opioid addiction.  It’s more like a week or two of inconvenience that gives me a peek into what later decades of life might be like.  Experience has proven that glute tightness is the major culprit.  The pain occurs when I don’t foam roll (which usually comes out of my mouth as “ab roll”) for an extended period, or when I start a fitness regimen too earnestly after a hiatus.  I struggle to even lie supine on the floor to commence a 10-minute ab foam rolling session.  Soon my ass is as loose as [insert your own NC-17 simile] and can get up faster than a Shohei Ohtani pop-up slide into second—like nothing was ever wrong!  Five minutes later, though, everything’s tighter than [insert the PG version of what you thought earlier].  My wife pushes ibuprofen, but I resist longer than I should.  Despite being a pharmacist, I’m staunchly anti-medication.  No need to visit a healthcare provider, though; just need to get my ass on the floor.     

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